Watch now: Reinventing Movies panel discussion at Chatham House
How are films and TV finding new ways to contribute to our collective response to climate change? Watch back this thought-provoking discussion held at Chatham House, London.

How are films and TV finding new ways to contribute to our collective response to climate change?
We had the pleasure of speaking at the Chatham House Environment and Society 'Reinventing Movies' event. Climate Spring's Founder & Director Lucy Stone, alongside industry colleagues, Catherine Ellis (WeAreALBERT), producer Chi Thai and actor Fehinti Balogun, discussed the power of culture in addressing the climate crisis and how movies and TV have the potential to reshape climate conversations around the world, using the power of creativity to unlock a better future. The discussion was brilliantly chaired by Chatham House's David Gunn.
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film and TV, live action and animation, we’re
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